CM Portal

This solution manages ICT contracts, ICT suppliers ensuring that the trust has valid contracts with all of their suppliers.

Why Choose Us?

Clear contracts

A clear up to date overview of all contracts.

Traffic lights

A clear up to date overview of all contracts.

Financial Costs

A clear and a categorized view of financial expenditures.


Customizable lookups across the whole solution

Client Testimonials

"Our service times have gotten a lot better for our HVAC equipment by 50% since using the Contracts Management Portal. We now also ensure that any invoice disputes are resolved within 10 days as we can monitor all of the paperwork in a single place."
Chris Smyth - Head of Specialist Services, Northern Health and Social Care Trust
"Our response times for fixing residential lifts have improved since we can now easily check all the data about a particular lift in real-time including the last time it was serviced."
Richard Henry - Contracts Officer estate Services, Northern Health And Social Care Trust